Michael Picardie was born and brought up in Johannesburg, South Africa. He lives in Wales and does acting, theatre writing and adult education teaching. He was employed as an academic and social worker in London , Oxford , Cardiff and Botswana . His solo-performance of his play "Shaloma" (2003/4) was presented in Cardiff , Leeds, Nottingham and London . A psycho-drama "Shades of Brown: Jannie Veldsman and His Struggle with the Boer" was done in Cardiff (1978), Johannesburg (1978), London (1979), New York (1980), Cincinnati (1981), Scandinavia (1982), Cambridge (1982) and Exeter (1987), and elsewhere in Europe and Africa. "The Cape Orchard" (produced by the Foco Novo Theatre Co.) toured England and Wales and finished its run in London at the Young Vic in December 1988.
Some of these texts including a recent play "The Zulu and the Zeide" (2003/4) - are available in Michael Picardie's Ph.D. (2014) dissertation portfolio :"Towards a Philosophy of Theatre...." available on loan from the library of the University of South Wales, Treforest, Pontypridd, South Wales. These theses are available for downloading from these universities' electronic depositories.
These portfolio scripts are protected by copyright c/o mike.picardie@michaelpicardie.co.uk. For the purchase of individual copies of the plays: "Shades of Brown / Jannie Veldsman", "The Cape Orchard" , "The Zulu and the Zeide" contact the author at this e-mail address.